About Fittest Core

Workouts for moms in all stages of motherhood.

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Workouts for Moms

Macy designed and launched Fittest Core after getting pregnant with her first son and realizing there was a need for more support in fitness for moms. She wanted to take the guesswork out of pre and postnatal fitness so that moms could workout safely and confidently through these vulnerable times in life. Macy understands the specific needs during pregnancy and postpartum, and provides roadmaps to women through her follow-along workout videos and programs. Each woman’s pregnancy and postpartum journey is different, and Macy strives to help moms feel validated in their specific journey by supporting them along the way.

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1:1 Coaching

If you’re looking for a more curated style of working out, this is it. With our 1:1 coaching, you not only get to work directly with a Fittest Core coach, but build a relationship with another mom. Fittest Core 1:1 Coaching is a tailored workout plan, complete with personal accountability, weekly check-ins, and a more amplified way to reach your personal goals.

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Created by a Mom, For Moms

Macy’s passion for helping moms is rooted in personal experience. Fitness for moms is a whole other niche that deserves not only expert knowledge, but understanding and compassion. Motherhood is incredibly vulnerable, and can truly only be understood by other moms. All workouts and programs are designed with exactly that in mind. Fitness + compassion.

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The Meaning of Fittest Core

Fittest Core came to life in 2015. When coming up with a name, Macy wanted something that reflected what fitness means to her: more than just movement. She’s always believed that in order to be your ‘fittest’ on the outside, you have to do the work on the ‘inside’. Fitness is more than lifting weights, running, sweating…it’s medicine, therapy, and a form of self care. Which, as moms, we deserve now more than ever.

What You Won’t See at Fittest Core

Unrealistic Expectations: We understand the load of motherhood. It’s time-consuming, exhausting, and is priority for all of us. So there is no expectation here for hour-long workouts or outlandish goals. We keep it real here—interruptions and all.

Voiceover Videos: Each workout is led by a coach in real time. The goal is to have each workout feel as though you’re doing it with a coach, so you don’t ever feel like you’re working out alone.

Body Standards: No body is the same. Period. There is never pressure from us to look a certain way, weigh a certain weight, or change anything about your body. We want you feeling confident in your skin and to loving your body.

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Founder | Macy Pruett

Macy lives in Nashville with her husband and two boys. Her passion for fitness and for people led her to pursuing a career in personal training. Macy became a personal trainer a decade ago, with certifications in personal training (AFAA) and pre & postnatal training (AFPA). She has since created her company, Fittest Core, with a mission to help women feel empowered to safely and confidently move their bodies through all stages of motherhood. Since becoming a mom, Macy’s goal is to impact as many mothers’ lives as she can by teaching them to love their bodies through realistic movement. Her app, Fittest Core, includes workouts for every woman in every stage of life: pre-pregnancy, prenatal, and postpartum. She considers herself incredibly lucky to love what she does so much, and to be able to connect with so many incredible women across the world.

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Trainer | Fiona Langham

Fiona is 37, a wife, and mama to two toddlers. She is originally from the UK and moved to Nashville in 2013 to pursue music. Her true passion for health and wellness began when she moved state side. She started personal training and running a women only bootcamp. She's very passionate about helping women feel their best selves. As a mother of two, she understands that it’s hard to prioritize your health, so it’s our job to guide you to your goals.  Fiona is excited to join the Fittest Core team and connect with all of the mamas. It’s so much more than just workouts, it’s building relationships that will ultimately make you stronger in body and mind. She can’t wait to see you all hit your goals and to most importantly feel great. Fiona is a certified personal trainer with ISSA and also Pre and Post Natal certified with ISSA.

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Trainer | Angela Threeths

Angela strives to help women learn more about what their body is capable of doing, through every phase of life. As women and as moms, our bodies are changing constantly and it can get so confusing. Angela's goal is to eliminate the guesswork for you so that you can focus on yourself and your journey! She combines her knowledge as a physical therapist, her passion for fitness, and her love for moms whenever she works with a client. She loves the bond that she builds when you work 1:1 with someone and can’t wait to be a part of this community! Angela has been training for over 10 years and her qualifications include a Doctorate of Physical Therapy and Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Certification from Brianna Battles.

Ready to join the Fittest Core family?